pyramid_duh.view module

Utilities for view configuration

class pyramid_duh.view.SubpathPredicate(paths, config)[source]

Bases: object

Generate a custom predicate that matches subpaths


*paths : list

List of match specs.


A match spec may take one of three forms:


The name is optional, but if you wish to specify flags then you have to include the leading slash:

# A match spec with flags and no name

The names will be accessible from the request.named_subpaths attribute.

@view_config(context=Root, name='simple', subpath=('package/*', 'version/*/?'))
def simple(request)
    pkg = request.named_subpaths['package']
    version = request.named_subpaths.get('version')
    request.response.body = '<h1>%s</h1>' % package
    if version is not None:
        request.response.body += '<h4>version: %s</h4>' % version
    return request.response

See match() for more information on match flags`


Display name


Display name


View decorator that adds a trailing slash



@view_config(context=MyCtxt, renderer='json')
def do_view(request):
    return 'cool data'

Add the custom view predicates

pyramid_duh.view.match(pattern, path, flags)[source]

Check if a pattern matches a path


pattern : str

Glob or PCRE

path : str or None

The path to check, or None if no path

flags : {‘r’, ‘i’, ‘a’, ‘?’}

Special match flags. These may be combined (e.g. ‘ri?’). See the notes for an explanation of the different values.


match : bool or SRE_Match

A boolean indicating the match status, or the regex match object if there was a successful PCRE match.


Flag Description
r Match using PCRE (default glob)
i Case-insensitive match (must be used with ‘r’)
a ASCII-only match (must be used with ‘r’, python 3 only)
? Path is optional (return True if path is None)